Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Venous Blood Sampling in Patients Posted Intravenous (IV) Lines

In order to obtain blood specimens qualified laboratory tests, the blood sampling procedure must be done correctly, from preparation equipment, the choice of anticoagulant, the selection of the location of the vein, taking up with a labeling technique (click here to see the blood sampling procedure) .

Selection of the location of the vein becomes an important concern when the patient is inserted intravenous (IV) line, for example infusion. In principle, bloodsampling should not be undertaken on an arm attached to an IV. If one arm is attached infusion, blood sampling is performed pasa infusion arm that is not installed. If the two arms attached to an IV, did capture the leg vein. So what if the entire venous access is not possible to do blood sampling? Here is a sampling of blood in patients who mounted an IV or IV-lines (examples of cases in patients with burns over 70%).

Alternative 1
If possible, do blood sampling in the arm that is attached to an IV.

Alternative 2
If it is not possible, do blood sampling in the area of ​​the foot.

Alternative 3
If there is no venous access at another location, perform blood sampling in the arm that is attached infusion by way of :
  1. Ask the nurse to stop the flow of infusion for at least 2 minutes before the shooting.
  2. Attach a tourniquet on the lower portion of the IV needle.
  3. Perform blood sampling at a different vein from the attached infusion or at the bottom of the veins attached to the infusion.
  4. Ask the nurse to restart the infusion after the specimens were collected.
  5. Make a note that the specimens were collected from the terpasangi infusion arm and the type of fluid given intravenously. Write this information on lab request sheet.

Alternative 4
If there is only one venous access alone in a place that is attached infusion, then :
  1. Stop the flow of infusion as the above
  2. Remove the blood from the veins, discard the first 2-5 ml, and flow capacity in the next blood sample tubes.
  3. Ask the nurse to restart the infusion after the specimens were collected.
  4. Make a note that the specimens were collected from the terpasangi infusion arm and the type of fluid given intravenously. Write this information on lab request sheet.

Attention : Selection of alternatives 3 and 4 must be with the permission and supervision of a doctor. Phlebotomis can cooperate with the nurses for this decision procedure.

1 komentar:

    JAMUJA. JAMUJA. JAMUJA. LEMATIFIC 용인 출장마사지 GAMING. EACHEST 양산 출장안마 POKER. 1. 0. 6. 1. 8. 문경 출장샵 1. 이천 출장마사지 8. 9. 9. 9. 문경 출장샵 9. 9.
